Books and Journals
Want science-based happiness without a rubber mallet to the forehead? Neil Pasricha’s writing cuts through the cluttered positive psychology universe with that rarest of things: real laughs, profound takeaways, and a genuinely better life.
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Our Book of Awesome
Our Book of Awesome is an injection of joy, a heartfelt gift, and a smacking high five for humanity. Read it to be reminded of the endless AWESOME things that give laughter and happiness to our brief and beautiful lives.
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You Are Awesome
You Are Awesome is for anyone who needs to be reminded that every problem is an opportunity, that every dead end has a hidden door, and that every step back is ultimately a step forward.
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Book of Awesome
Based on the award-winning blog, The Book of Awesome is a high five for humanity and a big celebration of life's little moments and the underappreciated, simple things that make us happy.
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The Happiness Equation
What is the formula for a happy life? In the groundbreaking book The Happiness Equation, Neil shares how you can want nothing, do anything, and have everything. All in nine secrets.
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How To Get Back Up
How to Get Back Up combines Neil’s very personal story of failure and resilience with the latest scientific research on happiness and self-development strategies.
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Two Minute Mornings
A journal prompting you into a quick, research-based, two-minute morning ritual that helps you win your day every day.
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Awesome is Everywhere
Take a five minute guided meditation with the photorealistic power of the world’s first interactive photographic children’s book.
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Book of (Holiday) Awesome
A compact holiday gift version in the series celebrating life’s simply and daily pleasures.
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The Journal of Awesome
Positive psychology studies show journaling a few minutes a day dramatically improves long term happiness levels.
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Book of (Even More) Awesome
Studies show that thinking about three gratitudes a day dramatically increases happiness levels. The Book of (Even More) Awesome is a 400-page gratitude list to remind you to appreciate and enjoy life.
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“Celebrates simple pleasures of everyday living… and provides a contemporary take on everyday inspiration that skips the typical Chicken Soup for the Soul fare. Pasricha emerges a committed but inviting optimist, combating life's unending stream of bad news by identifying opportunities to share a universal high five with humanity.”